Join the global movement to end sexism with humour,
confidence, and community.
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</end> sexism.


Introducing Comeback CatZ – the app empowering you to speak up against sexism with confidence and humour. Say goodbye to the days of staying silent or feeling helpless when faced with offensive comments.

Connect with like-minded individuals, where you can share stories, tips, and accomplishments. Be inspired by the stories of powerful women from around the world, receiving tailored news and inspiration from successful and influential women who are making a difference.
TRain to
COmbat sexism
Our app offers a unique approach to ending sexism through our Comeback Training feature. This feature allows you to train your wit and humour to counteract offensive comments, without escalating the situation or feeling helpless.

GET YOUR personalised
confidence training
Our Imposter Buster feature is personalised to you, providing you with a boost of confidence whenever you need it most. Whether it's before an interview or just another day at work, our app will help you recognise and celebrate your achievements.

"Comeback CatZ is more than an app – it's a movement. I'm proud to be a part of the community and to stand up against injustices."
– Rhiana Spring, CEO
an app powered by
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